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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some Thoughts On Creative Block And The Power Of Audacity

I thought that rather than risk backsliding into AWOL status again, I'd stop by and shoot the breeze here for a little bit. I hope everybody's doing well.

There has been SO much going on, especially in the last couple of weeks, that most of my creative cells or muscles or whatever they are have gone into standby mode. That's not the best thing in the world when you have a number of creative ACTIVITIES going on. One project is a CD, another is an upcoming live solo appearance, and yet another you're reading right now.

There are a number of reasons for this: the ever-present crazy schedule, a recent family loss, and an assortment of smaller causes thrown in for good measure. At least in my case, it's possible to get enough of these factors going simultaneously to just shut down your creative productivity. And it's not that you don't WANT to produce something- it's more that you just don't feel like you have any of it in you.

Fortunately, I've been here before, and I know it when I see it. I also know that it always has a short shelf-life, regardless of how things might seem at a given moment. Living life is about moving on, and by that very fact, it's not a lesson you only get to learn once. You learn it repeatedly, because you're, well, moving on. The good news is that each learning experience you have with this prepares you a little better for the next one, and maybe that's the best thing you could ask for anyway.

Sometimes, the only footing you can find to take that needed next step is the willingness to find a little audacity in yourself and stand on that. That little nugget occurred to me yesterday on the way to work as I was hearing a commercial on the radio. There's a restaurant in Springfield that has a not-at-all humble name: Incredibly Delicious. I've never been there, but now I almost feel obligated to go, because I almost feel I owe them for opening my eyes to this whole audacity thing.

I'm not sure I'd have the self-assurance to open a restaurant and put that name on it. Mine would more probably be called "I'm Pretty Sure You'll Like It" or something like that. I mean, to call a restaurant that, you either have to be able to back it up from moment one, or you've got to be one of the most flagrant BSers to ever draw a breath. Although I don't know this from experience, I do know by their reputation that they apparently fall into the first group.

How great is that, to be so good at what you do that, even when you're on the cusp of opening a new business, you're willing to put a mark on it that commits you to only the highest level of performance? There is uncertainty in ANY new business venture, large or small, but to step beyond that and put that name right out there is a great example of what I'm talking about. If you can find nothing else within yourself, find that audacity and use it for your first stepping-stone. What a thought-provoking and uplifting lesson to find in something we'd normally take for granted!

I hear their bread's to die for, too!


  1. Nice Post!! Hey, I want to know more about the CD project and the solo performance. Sounds interesting! Give us more info.

    Keep writing!

  2. Thanks as always, Charlotte, and good point! I guess I've neglected to discuss my other projects on THIS project! I'll have to do a post and fill in the blanks I've created by my oversight.

    In the meantime, though, I can give you a super-condensed version. I've been a musician for over 40 years, have played most instruments at one time or another, and most styles as well. For the past couple of years, I've been doing music on the computer, playing everything. You can hear some of it on YouTube by either searching my name or my username, ZCatcher (I used to work in a sleep lab!).

    I'm in the process of making a CD of my stuff for release on iTunes and some other outlets. The stuff's being mastered by a company in California now.

    The live performance is MUCH simpler. My wife is the administrator at Timberlake Senior Living in Springfield, and she occasionally "recruits" me for various things. I was their Santa Claus this past Christmas, and I'm going to be the "live music" this coming Wednesday at their Open House. I'm just going to be playing guitar with some backing tracks- kind of like karaoke with strings! Should be nice and I know it'll be fun. If you get a chance, you should come by! It's from 1 to 4 PM, and the facility is up behind Abundant Faith Christian Center on Taylor Avenue in Springfield.

    And thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Just check in again. I am impressed w/your musical ability, and how nice that you are able to share it w/those in the senior living center. I'll bet you livened up their day.
    May I ask: Do you attend church somewhere? I would like to invite you to Greenview Christian Church -- just down the street from you on Douglas St. We are a small congregation, but love to be together and worship each Sunday. Sunday School is at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. is Worship. Sue Elliott is also a member of GCC and I know you know of her. :) Anyway, please think about visiting us this Sunday or any Sunday you feel led.
    Keep singing!!
    Keep posting!!
    Charlotte :)
